Mariel Galarza
Mariel Galarza is an Applications Engineer at Symmetry Electronics. She has a bachelor’s degree in Engineering in Renewable Energy from CETYS Universidad with focused studies in biomass, wind, and solar energy. In her current role, Mariel provides technical support regarding timing, power and microcontrollers. Mariel’s professional background in sales, training, and customer service fortifies her skills in helping customers find optimal solutions for their desired applications. Mariel has a passion for learning and the fast-paced environment of the electrical engineering industry.
What Are Clock Signals in Digital Circuits, and How Are They Produced?
Wednesday, July 12, 2023 in Blogs by Mariel Galarza
In this article, I will be explaining the different kinds of timing components available and just why clocks are so important in digital electrical circuits. Keep reading to learn why clocks are required in digital circuits.
How to Develop with Gigadevice’s GD-Link Tool & Software
Wednesday, February 15, 2023 in Blogs by Mariel Galarza
Our expert Applications Engineer, Mariel Galarza-Tovar, provides an deep dive how-to on developing with Gigadevice's GD-Link Tool & Software
Programming Skyworks Timing Parts FAQ
Wednesday, October 26, 2022 in Blogs by Mariel Galarza
Our expert Applications Engineer addresses your most frequently asked questions about programming skyworks timing parts.
Explore Gigadevice’s New Power Offerings
Wednesday, August 17, 2022 in Blogs by Mariel Galarza
Browse the wide range of Gigadevice's new power offerings available at Symmetry Electronics
STMicroelectronics STM32 to Gigadevice GD32
Wednesday, July 20, 2022 in Blogs by Mariel Galarza
Our knowledgeable Applications Engineer explains how you can combat lengthy MCU lead times by transitioning from STMicroelectronics to Gigadevice.
What to Consider when Transitioning from Enpirion® to MPS
Wednesday, March 2, 2022 in Blogs by Mariel Galarza
Intel® Enpirion® has announced an EOL on their Power Solutions product line. Our knowledgeable Applications Engineer, Mariel Galarza, addresses how developers can smoothly transition to an MPS power management solution.
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