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Pål Kastnes

from Nordic Semiconductor

Wednesday, October 25, 2017 in Blogs by Pål Kastnes

Learn more about power consumption in this blog from Symmetry partner Nordic Semiconductor.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017 in Blogs by Pål Kastnes

Simplifying our lives and saving time is becoming increasingly important in the modern home. In the rush to connect everything, it’s important we don’t forget to focus on the most vital piece of the puzzle: security.

Thursday, July 20, 2017 in Blogs by Pål Kastnes

While security should always be on the list of product development considerations, it becomes more of a priority when the connected device has a direct impact on someone’s medical care. Read more about the security in IoT medical devices.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017 in Blogs by Pål Kastnes

Connected lights are an entry point to a smart home for many consumers. The integral power supply of a mains lighting system in the home makes it an obvious backbone for a smart home meshed network.
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