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BLE 4.1 vs. BLE 4.2 - New Features and Advantages

Michael Venezia in Blogs on December 08, 2015

About Michael Venezia

(866) 506-8829

Bluetooth 4.2 is an important update to the Bluetooth Core Specification with many new features and benefits designed specifically for Bluetooth Smart technology, and advantages when comparing Bluetooth 4.2 vs. Bluetooth 4.1 (also known as Bluetooth Low Energy or Bluetooth Smart).

Bluetooth 4.2 introduces several new features that improve speed and privacy over Bluetooth 4.1 but the main advantage is allowing chips to use Bluetooth over Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) for direct Internet access. With this, the possibilities expand beyond thoseof current designs and markets to include any type of Bluetooth device requiring speed and security in the IoT.

Why use BLE 4.2 instead of BLE 4.1? The Bluetooth SIG recommends implementing Bluetooth 4.2 in all new designs and requires the same qualification process as all other Bluetooth designs. Devices using Bluetooth Smart will be backward compatible with Bluetooth 4.0 or 4.1 devices that also implement the low energy features. Devices implementing the (BR/EDR) Core Configuration will be backward compatible to all adopted Bluetooth Core versions beginning with 1.1 that also implement Bluetooth BR/EDR.


Key Bluetooth 4.2 Features Not Available with Bluetooth 4.1


IoT Capabilities:

  • Low-power IP (IPv6/6LoWPAN)
  • Bluetooth Smart Internet Gateways (GATT)

With BLE 4.2 Bluetooth Smart sensors can transmit data over the internet.



  • LE Privacy 1.2
  • LE Secure Connections

With new, more power efficient and highly secure features, BLE 4.2 provides additional benefits allowing only trusted owners to track device location and confidently pair devices.



  • 250% Faster
  • 10x More Capacity

Compared to previous versions, BLE 4.2 enables 250% faster and more reliable over-the-air data transmission and 10x more packet capacity.

Designing with BLE 4.2 requires no mandatory features but, similar to previous versions, manufacturers are required to implement all errata applied in order to comply with the BLE 4.2 specifications.

Symmetry Electronics is able to support your BLE 4.2 designs with the recently released Silicon Labs Blue Gecko line of BLE modules and development tools. The certified Blue Gecko module allows you to quickly add Bluetooth connectivity to your applications with software stack and an intuitive scripting language for development.


To learn more about how Symmetry can support your BLE 4.2 design, contact us - (877) 466-9722 and speak with one of our wireless/IoT engineers.


Michael Venezia in Blogs on December 08, 2015

About Michael Venezia

(866) 506-8829


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