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Cellular Certification Part 2

Anuja Upale in Blogs on January 18, 2023

About Anuja Upale

Anuja Upale is an Engineer with a Bachelor's degree in Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunications from Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, and a Master’s in Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Maryland. With eight years of hands-on experience in the tech and electronics industries, Anuja serves as an excellent technical consulting resource for design engineers. Specializing in wireless technologies, including Cellular, Bluetooth Low Energy, Wi-Fi, LoRa®,and GPS–Anuja develops insightful reference designs, application notes, white papers, and product kits to support the advancement of innovative technologies.

In Part I of my Cellular Certification series, we examined different types of cellular chipsets, modules, modems, and the importance of certifications. We also covered regulatory certification requirements for cellular devices. In the second segment of my Cellular Certification series, we will take an in depth look into Radio Equipment Directive (RED) approvals and the PCS Type Certification Review Board (PTCRB) certification program.

1. What is the Radio Equipment Directive?

RED establishes a regulatory framework for placing radio equipment on the market in the EU. RED certification ensures a single market for radio equipment by setting essential requirements for safety and health, electromagnetic compatibility, and the efficient use of the radio spectrum.

Before the RED was established in 2016, the Radio and Telecommunication Terminal Equipment Directive (R&TTTE) was in place but the need for a single market and consolidated standards inspired the regulatory change.

2. What are essential requirements of RED?

Essential requirements are requirements that equipment needs to meet in order to be placed on the EU market. These can include the Harmonic Standards requirements, hazards associated with the product and efficient use of the radio spectrum. Article 3(3) section provides the details on the essential requirements. 3.Where can I find resources for RED?

Guide to the Radio Equipment Directive 2014/53/EU

FAQs – Radio Equipment Directive (RE-D)

RED-CA site


PTCRB Approvals:

1. What is PTCRB approval?

Established in 1997, PTCRB is a certification program created by leading wireless operators to define test specifications and processes to ensure device interoperability on global wireless networks. It provides an outline for compliance with network operators for cellular devices. The PTCRB certification program provides confidence that devices conform with global standards and perform optimally on mobile wireless networks.

2. What tests are performed for PTCRB approvals?

The main tests categories are Over the Air (OTA) performance testing and Radiated Spurious Emissions (RSE) testing.

OTA performance testing verifies the radiated performance of a cellular radio within a device. OTA testing ensures the performance of radio transmitters, receivers, and overall device performance. There are two testcases performed under OTA testing.

  • Total Radiated Power (TRP) validates the performance of cellular transmitters and antenna integration.
  • Total Isotropic Sensitivity (TIS) validates the performance of cellular receivers and antenna integration.

RSE testing includes active and idle mode radiated spurious emission testing. Active mode RSE testing measures the radiated signal strength of the harmonics of a transmitted cellular signal. Idle mode RSE testing measures emissions coming from the device while it is in “idle” mode (i.e. the cellular radio is not transmitting).

There are some other applicable tests depending on the device features such as Receiver Diversity/ MIMO, Audio testing and Carrier Aggregation testing etc.

3. Where can I find resources for PTCRB testing

Overview of PTCRB Certification Program

PTCRB NAPRD03 Document: defines the technical requirements for certification

10 Steps to PTCRB Certification

PTCRB Test Labs

List of certified devices

Have questions about your device’s certification requirements? Our team of Applications Engineers are experts in wireless designs have the answers to your questions. Consultation is free and available throughout your design cycle. Contact Symmetry Electronics today!


Anuja Upale in Blogs on January 18, 2023

About Anuja Upale

Anuja Upale is an Engineer with a Bachelor's degree in Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunications from Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, and a Master’s in Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Maryland. With eight years of hands-on experience in the tech and electronics industries, Anuja serves as an excellent technical consulting resource for design engineers. Specializing in wireless technologies, including Cellular, Bluetooth Low Energy, Wi-Fi, LoRa®,and GPS–Anuja develops insightful reference designs, application notes, white papers, and product kits to support the advancement of innovative technologies.


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