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Introducing the Official Digi XBee Python Library

Rob Faludi in Blogs on November 09, 2017

About Rob Faludi

From Digi International

Python developers just got more help in creating solutions with Digi XBees. In order to make it as simple as possible to write Digi XBee applications, Digi just released an official Digi XBee Python Library. This library supports multiple Digi XBee protocols including LTE Cellular, NB-IoT, Zigbee, 802.15.4, DigiMesh, Point-to-Multipoint and Wi-Fi.

The open-source project includes all the Python code, multiple examples that show how to use the available APIs and a collection of functional tests. Main features of the Python library include:

  • Support for ZigBee, 802.15.4, DigiMesh, Point-to-Multipoint, Wi-Fi, Cellular and NB-IoT devices.
  • Support for API and API escaped operating modes.
  • Management of local (attached to the PC) and remote XBee device objects.
  • Discovery of remote XBee devices associated with the same network as the local device.
  • Configuration of local and remote XBee devices:
  • Transmission of data to all the XBee devices on the network or to a specific device.
  • Reception of data from remote XBee devices:
  • Transmission and reception of IP and SMS messages.
  • Reception of network status changes related to the local XBee device.
  • IO lines management:
  • Support for explicit frames and application layer fields (Source endpoint, Destination endpoint, Profile ID, and Cluster ID).
  • Multiple examples that show how to use the available APIs.

So whether you’re designing an intelligent lighting application, monitoring industrial storage tanks, creating smart agriculture sensor networks, or running orbital experiments – Python developers no longer have to start from scratch.



Rob Faludi in Blogs on November 09, 2017

About Rob Faludi

From Digi International


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