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Symmetry Electronics: Meet A Chip! Meet Gil Our CEO

James Staubes in Blogs on November 15, 2016

About James Staubes


Where are you from?

I’m from Los Angeles, California, born in Hollywood at Kaiser Hospital.

What do you do at Symmetry?

I'm the CEO and I’ve worked here from day 1 which is February 15, 1998. Myself, Joe and Jill Dimick started on that day.

What’s your favorite thing about Symmetry?

Favorite thing is the people. We have fantastic people. They are super enthusiastic, smart, hardworking and great at what they do.  And I mean all of them!!  It’s a lot of fun working in an environment like ours. I’m lucky!!

What’s your favorite thing about California?

Favorite thing about California is the weather. It’s the best in the world.. no humidity, not much rain, lots of sun. You can do anything you want on almost any day.  We have beaches, mountains, deserts all within a couple hours drive. We have great restaurants, sports teams, entertainment off all types and people from everywhere.


James Staubes in Blogs on November 15, 2016

About James Staubes



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