Symmetry Electronics: Meet A Chip! Meet Sales Engineer Corrine Dutkovich
What do you do at Symmetry?
Field Sales covering IL/IN/Mi/MO
How long have you worked at Symmetry?
16 years
What’s your favorite thing about Symmetry?
We are a family of people that enjoy working together. We help each other succeed and left each other up by positive praise and sincerity.
Please tell us a story of how you helped a customer.
Just recently I had a customer that was in a line down situation and we had parts drop shipped to me and I drove 2 hours to hand deliver.
What exciting trends do you see in our industry?
In one word IoT. I am continually amazed by the products and markets that are moving over to wireless / Internet of things.
What do you like to do when you’re not working at Symmetry?
Spending time with my children and grandchildren, quilting, and helping others.