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Reduce Number of Hubs and Longer Hops Between Nodes in Smart Buildings with DecaWave DW1000

Michael Venezia in Blogs on August 12, 2016

About Michael Venezia

(866) 506-8829

Building Control & Automation is the application of technology to the control & automation of building systems such as temperature and climate control, lighting, smart metering, building management systems and access control. Increasingly these systems are deployed using wireless technology.

And DecaWave DW1000 offers definite technical competitive advantage over incumbent solutions.

For example, our superior communications range (LOS & NLOS) is important to reduce the number of hubs and allow longer hops between nodes (depending on chosen architecture) thereby lowering cost. Additionally, our low power consumption reduces frequency of battery changes eases maintenance / lowers cost. Immunity to multipath fading is a big issue in buildings: DW1000 increases reliability.

RTLS capability is not a requirement today but it opens up interesting possibilities in the near to medium term, especially regarding the location of sensors, and the easing of maintenance and lowering costs.

For additional product information or technical support, contact Symmetry Electronics, an authorized distributor of industry leading wireless, audio/video and embedded chips, modules and dev/eval tools. www.symmetryelectronics.com/contact-us or call (877) 466-9722.


Michael Venezia in Blogs on August 12, 2016

About Michael Venezia

(866) 506-8829


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