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Symmetry Electronics and SemiconductorStore.com Have Become One Site

James Staubes in Blogs on August 22, 2016

About James Staubes


We’re excited to announce that SemiconductorStore.com and SymmetryElectronics.com are unifying to one brand and one site, SymmetryElectronics.com. We believe this is a positive, strong move for our suppliers, customers and ultimately, for Symmetry’s long term business.

First, a little backstory. Symmetry Electronics started in 1998 and since then we’ve built a strong reputation for being a technical distributor of semiconductor products. Our longtime customers know that our salespeople out in the field and at Symmetry HQ, go above and beyond to help them find the solutions they need, when they need them. Additionally, Symmetry customers have appreciated a long list of services like safety stock inventory, certification assistance, cellular connectivity, local engineers, programming, design support, and credit terms.

In 2005 we opened SemiconductorStore.com as our e-commerce division of Symmetry. Our online store gave customers a convenient, quick way to buy from us. SemiconductorStore.com grew on its own alongside Symmetry, but Symmetry customers sometimes asked, “Where can we buy from you online?” The answer was easy, but not obvious. We’ve listened to our customers and realized that we have the unique opportunity to be a true full-service technical distributor by combining our technical services with our e-commerce platform. 

This is a huge win for our suppliers and customers. Unifying to one site and one brand gives every single online customer access to Symmetry Electronics’ outstanding services, full-service design, technical support, and logistics expertise. Our exceptional and growing line of suppliers will be more visible to our e-commerce customers, and all of our customers will get access to Symmetry’s services. 

Here’s what to expect during the transition. Online traffic will initially redirect to a refreshed and updated SemiconductorStore.com before fully transitioning to a completely re-built SymmetryElectronics.com. During this transition all of our SEO, links, forms, logos, and databases in Semiconductorstore.com will be updated. Customers will continue to log in with their current credentials and experience the same continuous order process without interruption.

We’re thrilled about this unification. It further solidifies Symmetry Electronics as a technical distributor with a strong e-commerce platform. It brings all of our services, expertise, and support under one name, the name we’ve built since 1998, Symmetry Electronics. 


James Staubes in Blogs on August 22, 2016

About James Staubes



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