Symmetry Electronics: Meet A Chip! Meet Product Manager Antonio Gei
What do you do at Symmetry?
I’m a Product Manager in charge of supporting and marketing some of Symmetry’s main partners and suppliers.
How long have you worked at Symmetry?
Almost 9 awesome years!
What’s your favorite thing about Symmetry?
Our team! From management, which has an unmatched capability to anticipate future market trends and align our focus to meet and exceed the market expectations, to operations, where the attention to quality assurance and shipment accuracy are second to none, to our sales team, which thrives on supporting our customers on their designs requirements.
Please tell a story of how you helped a Symmetry customer with a solution.
We are always helping customers, so is difficult to point out a specific instance. I can point out what we often do to help, which is to make customers fully aware on how much time and money designing in a module can save on the design process, especially if it is for a smaller project.
What exciting trends do you see in our industry?
Everything is wireless nowadays, IoT revolution is just in the beginning stage.
What do you like to do when you’re not working at Symmetry?
I enjoy spending time with my kids, watching movies and playing basketball.