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Symmetry Electronics: Meet A Chip! Tim from Field Sales

James Staubes in Blogs on October 31, 2016

About James Staubes


Where are you from?

I was born and raised in LA actually. I grew up in Westwood, just blocks away from UCLA and just 3 miles from Santa Monica Beach. I was a lucky kid.

What do you do at Symmetry?

Since 2008 I have been the Field Sales Rep for a fairly large section of Southern California.

I have had the opportunity to work closely with some very intriguing and successful design engineers, reps, suppliers and FAE’s over my 8 plus years in this role. It’s been a really great experience.   

How long have you worked here?

In my current role, 8 and now going on 9 years. Prior to this I held several different roles within our larger corporate group. In all it’s been a very rewarding experience.                 

What’s your favorite thing about Symmetry?

Clearly, and as others have pointed out – it’s the people. Sounds silly but we are not a 800 or 8000 employee company. We are a close, smaller group who really enjoy working together, and honestly – it really shows.

What’s your favorite thing about California?

Well, I’ve been here my whole life.  So at the risk of sounding bias, I love lots about California.

Back in the day ( not that many days ago ! ) it was a much less crowded,… but it’s still fantastic.

The diversity, the weather, our sports teams, schools and of course for me, the beach.


James Staubes in Blogs on October 31, 2016

About James Staubes



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