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The Wireless Future | Symmetry Blog

Anuja Upale in Blogs on June 07, 2019

About Anuja Upale

Anuja Upale is an Engineer with a Bachelor's degree in Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunications from Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, and a Master’s in Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Maryland. With eight years of hands-on experience in the tech and electronics industries, Anuja serves as an excellent technical consulting resource for design engineers. Specializing in wireless technologies, including Cellular, Bluetooth Low Energy, Wi-Fi, LoRa®,and GPS–Anuja develops insightful reference designs, application notes, white papers, and product kits to support the advancement of innovative technologies.

Internet of Things (IoT) allows connectivity to reach beyond the traditional devices such as computers tablets and smartphones. It has enhanced internet access to numerous other devices and application like asset tracking, smart homes and medical devices. With the explosion of IoT technologies it has become challenging to navigate your path through different offerings. It is crucial that you choose right technology and products for your application.

Symmetry along with Digi wants to make development of your application easy, simple and help you shorten the design cycle. We offer complete solutions for your requirements. We will help you from choosing a right technology for requirements, building your device, testing and deployment stages as well. This white paper talks about different wireless technologies available today in market, their implementation and a study of different use cases. It also gives a brief overview of approval processes and products that can help you jumpstart your application.


Click here to view the Digi International white paper on the future of IoT


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Anuja Upale in Blogs on June 07, 2019

About Anuja Upale

Anuja Upale is an Engineer with a Bachelor's degree in Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunications from Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, and a Master’s in Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Maryland. With eight years of hands-on experience in the tech and electronics industries, Anuja serves as an excellent technical consulting resource for design engineers. Specializing in wireless technologies, including Cellular, Bluetooth Low Energy, Wi-Fi, LoRa®,and GPS–Anuja develops insightful reference designs, application notes, white papers, and product kits to support the advancement of innovative technologies.


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