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Video: ESC Silicon Valley 2015 Recap - RF Digital

Jamie Pederson in Blogs on September 09, 2015

About Jamie Pederson

For our final installment of the ESC Silicon Valley series we see Armen Kazanchian, CEO, RF Digital giving a demo of the Simblee product. The audio is a bit hard to hear; this is due to the fact that the RF Digital booth was packed with customers constantly and it was difficult to get in close enough for a clear demo. And this is understandably so. The Simblee product is a revolutionary Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) connectivity product that will change the way people and things connect with each other.


Simblee is a 7 x 10 mm BLE module with an integrated antenna and an ARM controller with 29 GPIO’s. It boasts 10 microsecond accuracy and 3 millisecond latency which makes it 100 times faster than conventional BLE products. This opens up a whole new world of possibilities in applications. The ease of use is accentuated by the fact that it is programmed using the Arduino IDT, and once running the Simblee mobile browser on a phone or tablet, anyone can interact with the devices instantaneously without downloading additional apps for each device.

The Simblee chip can be adjusted to communicate from within inches to hundreds of feet away and the Bluetooth signal can also be adjusted to differing tolerances. For less than ideal environments, the Simblee product features an “interference resistance” algorithm. All of the Simblee products are FCC, IC, CE, and TELEC approved.

At this time RF Digital has two options planned for the Simblee family: the RFD77101 (module only) or the RFD77201 (module with adapter to RFDuino). To order, or for more information on Simblee, call Symmetry Electronics at (310) 536-6190, or contact us online



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