Webinar: Streamlining Bluetooth 5 Product Design with Wireless Xpress
Date: Wednesday, November 07, 2018
Time: 10:00 AM Central European Time
Duration: 1 hour
IoT applications increasingly benefit from Bluetooth connectivity. Adding Bluetooth 5 to a product, however, can take significant resources and expertise. With zero programming and drop-and-connect simplicity, Silicon Labs' Wireless Xpress streamlines the design of smart home, commercial, and industrial IoT applications, reducing complexity and time-to-market.
In this webinar, we explore Silicon Labs’ Bluetooth Xpress and provide a technical demonstration of how your product can connect to a smartphone or other device with Bluetooth in less than one day.
Source: https://www.silabs.com/community/blog.entry.html/2018/09/27/streamlining_bluetoo-feYO