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Transform Hype into Measurable Business Outcomes - Telit IoT Innovation February 2017

James Staubes in Press Releases on January 13, 2017

Join us to learn how Telit is working with organizations, large and small, to help them accelerate time to market and ignite profound business transformation centered on IoT solutions. At Telit IoT Innovation you’ll connect with thought leaders and problem solvers who can help you translate IoT concepts into reality. 

Telit IoT Innovation includes insightful keynotes and several breakout sessions organized under two tracks: Smart Solutions and Tools, Technologies and Resources

Our Smart Solutions track showcases real-world IoT use cases. From smart manufacturing to smart transportation, smart energy, smart agriculture, smart cities, smart buildings and everything in between, industries are using IoT to revolutionize the way they operate and the way we live. Learn from others who have leveraged Telit’s IoT ecosystem to create value for their organization and their customers. These breakout sessions will take you from IoT hype to measurable outcomes.

Our Tools, Technologies and Resources track is ideal for developers and engineers looking for a deeper dive into the hardware and software components necessary to create IoT solutions. Find out how IoT services and connectivity management tools can help you create new applications and streamline IoT device management. Learn how the rapidly changing wireless environment is accelerating the move to LTE, making this transition more critical the previous technology migrations, and what you can do about it. Discover how advances in integrated development environments and cellular module processing power are enabling a new generation of design. These breakout sessions will provide the necessary tools and resources to help you shorten development cycles and launch new applications.

Use the code: Code: 50IOTSYMMETRY to get 50% off your registration

Source: http://www.iotevolutionexpo.com/east/telit-iot-inovation.aspx

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James Staubes in Press Releases on January 13, 2017

About James Staubes



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