A passive component can only receive energy, which it then dissipates, absorbs, or stores in an electric or magnetic field. Capable of operating without electrical power, passive components are required to build circuits. Common applications include consumer electronics, telecommunications, and computers — for everything from power conversion to high frequency filtering.
Symmetry offers a wide variety of passive components from the biggest names in the industry, including Semtech, Murata, Abracon, Skyworks Solutions, Taoglas, Embedded Antenna Design, Telit, Kyocera AVX Components, TE Connectivity, Laird Connectivity, Lantronix, Digi International, and MultiTech.
Symmetry offers a wide variety of passive components from the biggest names in the industry, including Semtech, Murata, Abracon, Skyworks Solutions, Taoglas, Embedded Antenna Design, Telit, Kyocera AVX Components, TE Connectivity, Laird Connectivity, Lantronix, Digi International, and MultiTech.
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